Symposium sur l’Enlèvement International de l’Enfant au Japon (compte rendu)

NDLR : Ce compte rendu en anglais et en japonais de la conférence de presse conjointe du 21 mai vient d’être publié sur le site de l’ambassade de France. Bravo à l’Ambassadeur et à son équipe qui ont pris ce problème à bras le corps et semblent animés d’une détermination sans faille pour faire évoluer rapidement la situation.
Symposium on international child abduction at the U.S. Embassy in Japan Tokyo, May 21, 2009
Preliminary remarks of Mr Christophe Penot at the press conference
For France too the issue of child abduction is a major concern and could become a political problem between France and Japan if no progress is made in the existing cases. This problem gets increasing coverage in the French press, and there is also a rising awareness among the French public of its dramatic implications.
* As a matter of principle, we do not consider acceptable that a parent (usually the father) should be totally deprived of his right of visiting his child. We believe that both parents have a specific role in the education of the child and that excluding one of them intentionally is putting the child’s education at risk. This is also a very serious humanitarian issue for the parent who is deprived of its right to see its child.
* France is taking an active part in the efforts made by the US, Canada and other EU countries to urge Japan to join the 1980 Hague Convention, which is today the best multilateral legal framework to solve these long-lasting and painful problems.
* We are very encouraged by the fact that more and more people in Japan have shown a real concern for the problem of international child abduction. We also believe that the increasing number of marriages between Japanese and foreign nationals will further intensify the problem on both sides. It would therefore be also in Japan’s interest to find practical solutions to deal with these cases, and we are willing to fully cooperate with the Japanese authorities to this end.

Version en japonais
在日フランス大使館のクリストフ・プノ公使(左から3人目) © 在日米国大使館

Publié par

Christian Bouthier

Christian Bouthier, un Français au Japon depuis 1982. フランス語講師 et professeur de japonais.

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